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We're looking for families like YOU...

...who believe middle schoolers are worth investing in for the Kingdom of God





The middle-school years come but once in a life... 


It is a time of rapid change, excitement, anticipation, and challenge. Your student will be transitioning into young adulthood, and will be walking by their own faith.


What will these years bring for them? Are they ready and equipped to meet the world head-on? Will they be leaders and influencers in their generation as they enter high school? Do they have what it takes to
stand alone?

LOMSAA is made up of families who believe these years are critical in the
raising of godly young adults in a world
where their faith will be put to the test

We are a committed community who are choosing to invest two years of our time, treasure, and talents into a journey that is designed to infuse the student with a life of faith, accountability, and reaching out to a fallen world. We believe that working as a body in Christ, each student will come away with an appreciation for the myriad ways Christ is honored and exhibited in their own lives, and in the lives of others.

We want them to engage in dynamic interactions with passionate adults who have mastered their field. Who desire to share their wisdom with young ones who hunger for it.

We believe that God has gifted each student with unique abilities and has an amazing plan to use them to further His kingdom. They are a generation who will be in the world yet not of the world. Who will excel in every avenue of life as the Lord intends, to walk among those whom the Lord wants to save, to live with them, converse with them at their level, and bring them to a saving knowledge of Truth.


We are seeking families with a calling on their lives--to not just be spectators in a life of faith but live it out, daily, rejoicing in seeing biblical truths lived out in a way that makes it real to students, and gives them a desire to join in.


Ambassadors of their Generation... Lovingly trained-up in Christ

To Live Out His WORD

We can't wait to hear from you! Connect today, and set your middle schooler on an exciting path for high school success!

We are looking for families like us, who value authentic Christian community. Who are NOT looking to keep their kids in a Christian bubble, but are ready to equip them to face the real-world head on. To be exposed in measured doses, readying themselves for entry as missionaries in their world.

We are not looking for perfection--we are looking for a teachable spirit, a genuine faith in the Lord, and a desire to live life fully as the Lord calls. We are seeking the diamond-in-the-rough, the moldable student who exhibits the capacity for self-driven learning, taking the initiative to explore and contribute, to be part of the whole and doing their share to
make it meaningful for all. We are seeking cooperative spirits, who will put the needs of others before their own.

Indeed, we can do no less. Because our committed LOMSAA families are each doing no less for every student here. Experts in their fields, committed parents, giving up hours of their week, thinking outside the box, stepping out in faith...

We are looking for the ones whom God has chosen, to be yoked as equal partners in this venture.

We are not a homeschool-in-a-classroom setting. We're
reinventing what it means to train up a child in a faith that survives and thrives. Where your student goes from here is
up to you and the Lord. LOMSAA is here as one option for
you. If you value an affordable Christian education in an environment that fosters a loving classroom environment and genuine growth in Christ, we invite you to apply.

Though we take only 20 per class, we know that there is a spot for every student whom the LORD intends for this unique middle school experience. Our family interviews will happen in the spring of each school year. Upon receipt of your application, you will be contacted with your appointment time.


We look forward to meeting you, and trust that the LORD will honor your desire to seek Him in planning for your child's future.

Stellar Academic Enrichment

Godly Character Development

Real Life Experiences

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